Can the Roswell Fandom Be Better than the Others?

I loved the 90s guys

Image result for roswell tv show

When Roswell started it was 1999 was in it’s 6th season the X-files movie, which I loved, had just come out, it’s been two years since Men In Black came out and remember, if you were alive then, if you weren’t then you couldn’t possibly remember but movies didn’t come out to video three months after they released so by the time you could buy Men In Black was close to the time that Roswell started.

I have a theory.

Vampires, Monsters/Werewolves, and Aliens. You can throw magic in there a little bit but I think that’s the cyclical way the entertainment industry works.

Right now, vampires are going away. Except for the Bryan Singer/Anne Rice project that’s coming.

But now we’re coming back to aliens. Because things are so messed up in real life, we NEED an alien love story.

I would argue and if you disagree argue with me back, that Roswell created shipping.

There I said it.

We had the Dreamers, the Candy lovers for Michael and Maria (M&M), I forget what Isabel and Alex, I distinctly remember Kyle and Tess were called Stargazers. Whatever Tess, grr.

Back then it was fun. If people rooting for their favorite teams to win, I rooted for my favorite couple to win. So if it didn’t work out the way you wanted to, you went on with your life. I have no idea of what type of time these new television watchers are on but some fandoms are so toxic. The tweets and stuff Julie Plec have received have been so dumb.

So let’s remember guys…it’s just a tv show, it’s not that deep.

Just enjoy the show.

By the way guys, Carina Mackenzie responded to my tweet. Whoo hoo! The fourth alien is separated from the other three aliens because that’s Tess.

I have many questions since they announced that the series was going to be redone and two that I want answered sooner rather than later are…are we still keeping the theme song. PLEASE SAY YES.

And are we keeping the silver handprint?

Are we bringing back

In case you didn’t know it was an interactive site that let you look through the information the sheriff kept in his office. A lot of stuff Roswell did the entertainment industry expanded on in a lot of ways.

Think of all the crazy marketing Cloverfield does?

Roswell did it first.

Mind you the site was clunky, or my internet connection was slow, but I’m just so excited for all the things the CW is going to improve upon, I’m here for it.

So to quote Bill and Ted since I’m feeling pretty nostalgic, “Let’s be excellent to one another” ok fandom?


In not so cool OLD news, on my first twitter which I don’t use anymore (it’s a whole thing *), Majandra Delfino still has me blocked.

I’m pretty sure she blocked me because I tagged her in a few Roswell posts, this was when there was buzz of a Roswell movie, people were trying to get it trending, other actors were tweeting as well and I guess she was having a bad day and didn’t like it and decided to hit that block button. Completely her right to do so.

I just think it’s funny. Much success to her.

*I don’t use my old Twitter anymore for job search reasons I haven’t used it for quite some time even though I’ve finally found a job I like who knows what crazy polarizing stuff I was saying on there when I first signed up in 2010 I think. It was just better and easier to start over.


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